Born in Merano/South Tyrol in 1973, the artist studied painting and graphic art at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna in Adolf Frohner’s masterclass. In 2003, Lattanzi was awarded the Vienna Art Hall Prize for her portrait cycle “Tapetentüren zu Menschenbildern” (wallpaper doors to human images) (diploma thesis). This was followed by a solo exhibition at the Kunsthalle am Karlsplatz and a three-month residency in London. Lattanzi is a member of the Künstlerhaus and a participatory member of the Floridsdorf Cultural Anchor Centre on Schlingermarkt in Vienna, where she runs her studio.


1997 – 2003 Studies at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, painting/graphics with Prof. Adolf Frohner

1996/97 Summer Academy in Salzburg with Prof. Gunter Damisch and Prof. Adolf Frohner


2024 Cultural anchor centre Schlingermarkt Vienna

2023 Pro Arte art space in Hallein, solo exhibition

2022 Artfloor Schlumberger Kellerwelten
Vacancy of the Viennese merchants
Showroom Volkstheater, solo exhibition

2021 Cultural anchor centre Floridsdorf

2020 Atelierhof Schlingermarkt Vienna
Showroom Volkstheater, solo exhibition

2018/19 Gallery Frewein Kazakbaev Vienna
Art space Ordination Christa Stappen, solo exhibition

2017 Super art market at the Haager fashion house

2015 Gallery Alte Feuerwache Dessau D2014 Mühlfeldhof near Pfaffstätten

2013 Atelier Auhof Vienna, solo exhibition

2012 Atelier base_ment Vienna

2011 Company Heroes House Immanuel Vienna,
Unternehmen Helden Association of Viennese Youth Centres

2010 Galerie Nuu, “cherchez la femme”-Women make art, the Green Party Vienna
Exhibition as part of the Viertelfestival NÖ- Waldviertel, “Privatraum”
Gallery kunst#stücke Vienna, “Family people”

2009 Kunstverein Mistelbach, “family affairs”

2008 Kunstverein Kärnten, Christmas benefit exhibition

2006 Kunsthalle Krems, “Real-Young Austria”
Kunstverein Kärnten, “coming out real thing”

2004 Gallery Pogmahon Art Club Vienna, “the green branch”

2003 Kunsthalle Karlsplatz Vienna, project space, “Tapetentüren zu Menschenbildern”, solo exhibition

Cultural Association Favoriten, “Diplomas 2003/Masterclass Frohner”
Tech Gate Vienna, “Painting and Serigraphy”

2002 Austria Centre Vienna, “Birth”
Thats`new I-educational art Vienna
Arena charity exhibition, “borderless arts 4 more awarness”

2001 Water Tower Vienna, “Pictures/People”
Soho Ottakring, “urban rural”

2000 ÖGB Department for Education, Leisure and Culture, “Foreign”
Gallery art dependent Meran, “Fremd in mir”, solo exhibition
Gallery art seccion vienna

Prizes/ grants/ publications

2015 Audience Award Heise Art Prize

2007 IBM art calendar

2004 Working scholarship London

2004 Purchase of the City of Vienna Artothek

2003 Kunsthallenpreis Vienna
Prize of the Province of Tyrol
Emanuel and Sophie Fohn Scholarship

2001 Mal Aktion Wiener Funkhaus

2000 Publication in the art magazine Sterz

1999 Time Action Stuhleck for the solar eclipse
Winner of a competition on the subject of skin