London pictures

Krems Art Gallery

Real – Young Austria “London”

26 November 2005 – 12 February 2006

In the pictures of the “London” series, the pattern-like veils emphasise the dissolution of our own physical reality in the materiality of the world in which we operate. Or not so much a dissolving as a merging, a diffusion. As if it were possible to better understand a piece of the world by absorbing what surrounds us, to make it one’s own, to fully comprehend it. In their blending, in their merging, the human being and the city are completely equally authorised. The roller patterns laid on top reinforce this impression and the brushstroke instinctively adapts to the subject. The shadows and interstices, the patches of light and the patterns that change from light to dark encourage the search for the animus, the inwardly orientated part of the psyche that communicates with the subconscious. Or quite simply and directly, the different facets of a person and a city, the confrontation with oneself and one’s surroundings.

Professor Sophie Geretsegger, art historian