Animal pictures

Basic trust is an essential part of the nature-soul and one of the themes in this animal series. The ego stands in complete contrast to the feeling of basic trust to the feeling of attachment and belonging. We experience ourselves and the world as an ego-self, trapped in a psychic structure of beliefs, perceptions, concepts, ideas and identifications. Basic trust enables us to let go of this ego-identity and its filters – that is my idea of freedom. I see the animals in my paintings as a symbol or metaphor of this primal power and trust that is in each of us. We are born with these primal instincts and with an open heart. For me, it was a conscious journey to my feelings away from thinking and analysing. The heart of an animal vibrates in a special rhythm, this rhythm is harmonious and still connected to the unity of being. There is no separation between thinking and feeling. For me, animals symbolise this purity and wildness of acting instinctively, of relying on one’s own intuition, on one’s own feelings. Maria Pia Lattanzi